The pandemic, the startup world, and the venture capital world

“The pandemic, its effects and trends that will continue to mark the trend in the startup and venture capital world” is titled The article published in Mercury on how e-commerce, logistics, fintech, and biotechnology opened a unique path in 2020. But it is also a path that promises great changes in the coming years.

Magdalena Guzmán, Executive Director of the ACVC; María José Montero, founding partner of FIS Ameris; María de los Ángeles Romo, Executive Director of Start-up Chile; José Manuel Correa, Executive Director of Endeavor Chile; and Cristián Hernández, General Manager of Andes Biotechnologies, were part of the analysis that also has an excellent summary of the great national Deals and the milestones of 2020.

Check the note here.

“Everything that is fintech and biotech had good investments. Also, the last mile, logistics, and the SaaS. These trends are going to follow and are going to start opening up ”

Magdalena Guzmán, Executive Director of the ACVC

“I bet that social entrepreneurship will go in crescendo”

María José Montero, Founding partner of FIS Ameris

“Everything related to autonomous cars will bring a new industry for new business opportunities. Also, business with artificial intelligence”

María de los Angeles Romo, Executive Director of Start-up Chile