Large companies and family offices invest in startups

Investment in venture capital has been conquering Chilean family offices. More and more are betting on investing in nascent technology companies, contributing not only with capital, but also their know-how.

And the same is happening with large corporations and companies, which, in addition to creating their own CVC vehicles, are also investing in this asset by investing in professionalized funds.

Francisco Guzmán, president of the ACVC, and Sebastián González, director of the ACVC, commented in La Tercera on this great growth and interest on the part of the industry.

"Venture capital investment by definition is countercyclical, being especially attractive in periods of economic contraction. This was demonstrated in 2020, when despite the problems brought about by Covid-19, investment in technology startups reached a record high worldwide", highlights the president of the Chilean Venture Capital Association, Francisco Guzmán.

In favor of this idea, he postulates that there are Chilean technology companies in all stages of development, from very early stages to companies that have internationalized with valuations in excess of hundreds of millions of dollars. "The development in Chile of an ecosystem favorable to technological entrepreneurship is not an isolated phenomenon, but is the result of several years of work by the public and private sectors," explains the president of the Venture Capital Association.

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