Why invest in disruptive startups now?

On Tuesday, May 26th we held our first meeting of the year with the Association of Family Businesses (AEF) where we developed the topic Why invest in disruptive startups now?, aimed especially at Family Offices that are beginning to introduce themselves in this type of investment. We had 140 participants connected online and with an expert panel of FFOO; Andrés Pesce from Ideal (VC fund of Star Investment) and Catalina del Río (Financial Control Manager of Inder), VC funds; Rodrigo Castro (Managing Partner of Genesis Ventures), Pablo Fernández (Manager, Fondo Alerce), Federico Antoni (Managing Partner, AllVP) and Luis Bermejo (Managing Partner, Alaya Capital Partners) who explained why this asset becomes so relevant in the face of the global crisis, and finally legal and tax advice from our partner Carey Abogados, Francisco Guzmán.