A potential of US$125 million of foreign investment in Chile through venture capital

A potential of US$125 million of foreign investment through venture capital (VC) is the estimate projected by InvestChile for new projects in the country. In 2019, the estimated investment was US$ 48.2 million. VCs from Mexico, Argentina and the United States are the ones that have most focused their attention on Chilean startups.

"We have the role of attracting the entry of new players to the market, to sophisticate the productive matrix and there the VC industry has an important role."

Beatriz Herrera, International Networks Coordinator and Venture Capital Investment Promotion Executive at InvestChile


"We love what InvestChile is doing; we invited them to get to know this world because we identified that there was a gap in terms of foreign investors and that Chilean agencies were not looking at this (...) The local market is not as developed to raise larger amounts, it becomes more difficult and that is where international players could cover that gap".

Francisco Guzmán, president of the Chilean Venture Capital Association 

Check out the interesting analysis of InvestChile's projections in El Mercurio's Innovation section.